Headlines – 3/25/2003

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, March 25, 2003

The Panolian Headlines: March 25, 2003

For complete stories, pick up the 3/25/03  issue of The Panolian

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Still No Payment …
County to Give Firm 30 Days to Pay Up

Legal action will be the last resort for Panola County to reclaim the old North Panola Hospital property.

During a meeting on Friday, the Panola County Board of Supervisors discussed how to handle the situation of non-payment from Partners in Action for the building.

The company’s annual payment of $130,000 was due in Dec. 2002, but has yet to be made to the county.

Sardis City Attorney suggested the supervisors give Partners in Action 30 days to bring its payment current.

"At this point, I would suggest formally notifying the property owners and warning of possible legal action," Shuler said. "They will either make a payment or call with some sort of excuse, then we will know the next course of action.


Chandler Steps Down From Road Managers Job
The Panola County Board of Supervisors will begin a search for a full-time road manager in April.

County Administrator David Chandler will remain in the interim position until a replacement is hired at a part-time salary of $1,500 per month.

"I suggest you accept applications for the position until the first Monday," Chandler said.
Chandler had held the position since Billy Pund’s resignation in 2001.

"I have held the position a lot longer than I expected," Chandler said.

Chandler said splitting time between his duties as County Administrator and Road Manager is becoming more and more difficult.

"It is harder and harder for me to accomplish everything both jobs require," he said.

SPHS Marks 50-Year Accreditation Milestone
South Panola High School was recently recognized for 50 years of accreditation by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS). (l to r) South Panola High School Principal Dr. Del Phillips, SACS representative Dr. Marvin Lishman and district superintendent Dr. C. L. Stevenson were on hand for the honor.

South Panola High School was honored during a meeting of the South Panola School District Board of Trustees by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS).

SACS accredits more than 12,000 public and private institutions from pre-kindergarten through university level in 11 states of the Southeast and Latin America.

"Member institutions regularly perform comprehensive self-evaluations to assist them in planning for improvement and to assure … their overall quality," Dr. Marvin Lishman of SACS said.

"SACS is one of only six regional accrediting organizations in the U.S. recognized by the U.S. Education Dept.," he said.

"South Panola is being recognized tonight because they have been an accredited member institution for 50 years."

South Panola High School was one of the first school SACS accredited in Mississippi, Lishman said.