Faithful Friends reunion one of a kind
Published 1:30 pm Wednesday, April 24, 2024
- Donna Traywick
By Donna Traywick
Mt. Olivet News
Tucked away neatly off Highway 315 about seven or eight miles from Mt. Olivet, is a compound
of a building known as Pilgrims Rest Baptist Church.
Built in the mid-1800s by a lively group of Christians. It remains so today. I had the honor and
privilege Saturday to attend a luncheon put on by members of 1950 and 60’s Sunday school
class at Pilgrims Rest.
This meeting got its beginning when more than five years ago, a large group from this Sunday
school class attended a beloved member's funeral. Since this was such a close knit group, they
decided to begin to meet annually for a luncheon. They decided to meet on the third Saturday of
every April.
Of course, this Saturday was that time and they came out with food, smiles, handshakes and
some tears of joy. Most of these members were of my age group. We grew up near each other
and all went to school together. I had not seen some of them in over 50 years.
This meeting had to mean so much to so many, because many of them came a good distance
to get there. Floyd Malone of Springfield, MO, makes the six hour drive every year. He even
puts the reunion on Facebook, so no one will forget. He shared with me the place in the church
where he was sitting, what time and what day it was when he was saved.
No wonder Pilgrims Rest is precious to him.
Richard Durrett came from Fairbanks, AK. His father, Thomas Durrett preached at Pilgrims Rest
in 1964, 65, 66. He graduated from South Panola in 1966, as did most of this group.
I asked Dot Crawley (maiden name) did they have a name for this very, very devoted group? No
one knew for sure what they called themselves. Can I give this group a name? Faithful Friends!
Plan to attend the Faithful Friends reunion in 2025 on the third Saturday.