Singing convention this Sunday
Published 8:53 am Wednesday, September 20, 2023
- Donna Traywick
We are so proud of Miss Aubree Grace Colyer. She is the reigning Young Miss Batesville. She will be competing in the Young Miss Magnolia State pageant.
Lynda Browning Davis from Georgia and Jane Browning Carr from Tennessee had an extended visit with their mother, Elizabeth Browning recently, they were here for the birth of little great-great niece Scarlett Elizabeth Horn, daughter of Andred and Taylor Horn. Jane was here for the wedding of great nephew James Kyle Browning.
Before Lynda returns to Georgia, she always makes peach ice cream and invites family and friends. Of course, being from Georgia her specialty is peach ice cream.
The state’s red clay soil, perfect weather, moderate humidity is ideal for growing peaches. It was designated the peach state in 1975. The Cherokee Indians were growing peaches when the settlers came over. In 1851 Raphel Moses, a Columbus planter, is given credit for being the first to sell peaches in the south. I’m looking forward to Lynda’s next ice cream party. With peaches, of course.
I attended the 95th birthday of Veedy Franklin Saturday. Her children, Donna, Paul, Sheila, and Cheryl were there. All of her children are great cooks, so you can imagine the food that was there.
Well, it’s finally here… The Panola County Singing Convention. I have anticipated this since May when I fell off the stage polishing the piano. We had to cancel the event because we had two funerals in our church community.
This is not a Mt. Olivet thing, but a Panola County thing. Come out and support singers from all over Panola County.
It is slowly beginning to seem like fall. I feel like Albert Camus, French philosopher. When he said, “Autumn is a second spring, where every leaf is a flower.”
I read the most interesting article from Patrick M. Morley’s – The Seven Seasons of Man’s Life.
It’s entitled “ Leave the World Better Than You Found It.”
The world is a better place because Michelangelo didn’t say, “I don’t do ceilings.”
The world is a better place because Martin Luther Didn’t say, “I don’t do doors”.
The world is a better place because Noah didn’t say, “I don’t do arks”.
The world is a better place because David didn’t say, “I don’t do giants”.
The world is a better place because Peter didn’t say, “I don’t do weeping”.
The world is a better place because Mary didn’t say, “I don’t do virgin births”.
The world is a better place because Jesus didn’t say, “I don’t do crosses”.
I want to add my own. The world is a better place because Jesus didn’t say, “I don’t forgive sin”.
The article closed with this sentence. Will the world be a better place because you didn’t say, “I don’t do ___________”.
What will you put in the blank?
Text me and let me know. See you Sunday at 3 p.m., at Mt. Olivet for the singing convention.
Call or text Donna @ 901-828-8824 with any questions or comments.