Investigators asked to share more from Chambers’ case

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, February 17, 2015

John Howell Sr.

Investigators asked to share more from Chambers’ case

By John Howell Sr.
Though we have seen among those who lead criminal investigations a growing reluctance over the years to reveal details about what evidence has been gathered, we believe that the Jessica Chambers case has reached a stage where sharing some of the information may be useful.
From the start, authorities have cited a dearth of “street talk,” the hearsay and gossip that often leads to credible information that leads to a suspect. Not so here.

Then there’s the reward, the $53,000 just waiting for someone who can, even anonymously, tell something that will lead to Jessica Chamber’s murderer. Yet not a worthy whisper, and this in an environment where a $1,000 reward is usually considered by Crimestoppers to be the maximum necessary to loosen lips.

That leads us to believe there there is one person, maybe two, who can identify her killer — the killer or killers themselves — and they won’t be talking.

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That’s why we respectfully request that those in charge of the investigation re-examine what they have and see if more can be released to the public.

For instance, can you tell us anything that you learned about her car? Had it perhaps been struck by another vehicle to force her to stop? Is there anything else your examination of the charred auto’s hulk revealed that you could share without compromising your investigation?
Could you tell us more about what the autopsy revealed? Is there something in those details that might be more revealing about an accelerant?

Could you tell us more about what you learned from phone records from the time she last talked with her mother until her death?

Did federal or state investigators compile a profile of a suspect? If they did, could you share it?
The foregoing questions are not necessarily intended as specific suggestions, just examples of the type of information that you might consider sharing with the public. After all, the case has grown cold. Even though the investigation has not yet yielded a suspect, some shred of information or evidence already gathered might prompt a memory of something on somebody’s part that could be useful.

Don’t underestimate the power of what you already know. Information is power. Information shared unleashes that power. 

Something that may have seemed insignificant to investigators may resonate with someone who knew Jessica or someone who is yet unaware that he or she knows her killer(s) who yet walk freely among us.