Eugene Burnette letter

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Letter to the editor

Father not displeased with handling of son’s death

This letter is being written in regard to my son, Charles Evers Burnette (Chuck). He was a wonderful, caring young man who our family will miss deeply.

I would like to address a situation which evolved after the death of my son. It involved rumors that our family was displeased with the way in which the Panola County Sheriff’s Department handled the investigation into the death of our beloved son. Our family was trying to make sense of the death of Charles. It is hard to lose a loved one, especially a child.

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Our family respects Sheriff Otis Griffin, the Panola County Sheriff’s Department and employees of the department. We support them in the efforts they make on a daily basis to protect and serve the citizens of Panola County.

Eugene Burnette Jr.

(Charles Evers Burnette died September 2 at the age of 34, according to his obituary published Sept. 10)