Copeland Letter

Published 12:00 am Friday, November 21, 2008

To the Editor:

I’m sure not much of a writer, but if you know a little about me, or have been a customer in my husband’s store you know I’m all about friendship, family, love and helping others!

On Tuesday the 11th (Veteran’s Day) our youngest son’s (Sam) gym bag was taken from one of our trucks, after being left unlocked for 30 to 45 minutes. Dale had gotten out and I was to come right out of the store and take everything in with me, but I got delayed!

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Sam’s brand new basketball shoes, almost new dress shoes, nice leather belt, and pants and other shirts etc. added up to over $300 plus the nice bag!

Sam is 12 years old and works hard for any extras plus tries to take very good care of his things and for other people’s things! This morning when I came to work, I could not believe my eyes, back door steps set a bag and it was Sam’s with everything still inside! It was pouring rain and I just stood there crying, so thankful for the return! The one thing that stood out was a velcro one-inch strip of material with a No. 2 embroidered on it! To Sam and lots of other class mates it stood as a reminder of a wonderful Christian, young athlete, classmate that lost his life last January, but not without touching everyone of Sam’s friends and their families.

My family will always wonder if whoever took Sam’s bag from our truck, did they know Michael Johnson too? Did they see that No. 2 on Samís bag and realize Sam loved him too and is just trying to make it in this life like them!

Only God knows for sure! But, thank you whoever for returning Sam’s bag and for God allowing us to be a part of Michael’s and his wonderful family’s life, no matter how short of time! May God bless us all!

Happy Thanksgiving,


Angie Copeland