Sara Byars letter

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Letter to the editor

‘No smoking OK; but alcohol kills more, gets less attention

It is fine to have “no smoking” arise. I know cigarettes are bad for smokers and non smokers.
Yes, I am a smoker and this law is OK with me, but it seems to me that not only the cigarettes are taxed more; I’ll pay more!

Why is it worse to smoke than drink alcohol?

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It could it be that most politicians are always entertaining with cocktail parties.

I have been known to have a drink sometimes also, but the alcohol is not talked and written about.

All the deaths that are caused by alcohol is not such a “big topic.”

We smokers are not killing as many people as alcohol does.

Come on politicians, get real.

/s/ Sara Byars