Reports – 10/13/2006

Published 12:00 am Friday, October 13, 2006

The Panolian: COUNTY REPORTS – October 13, 2006

 From the 10/13/06 issue of The Panolian       

Court Report
Judge stresses ‘stealing is wrong;’ gives shoplifter 30 days in jail
By Emily Williams

Judge Bill McKenzie sentenced a Como resident to 30 days in the county jail during Batesville Municipal Court Wednesday for stealing four steaks worth $26.30 from Sav-A-Lot.

Mark Walls, 425 James Johnson Rd., Como, entered a "guilty" plea to giving false information and shoplifting (second offense).

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As the judge looked through his documents he noticed a previous charge against Walls: shoplifting at Factory Brand Shoes in 2003.

"I have been in the penitentiary for stealing tires," Walls said.

Walls told the judge he was sentenced to 10 years and served two years for "stealing tires" and then went back for "violation of probation."

"You haven’t figured out yet that stealing is wrong?" asked McKenzie.

"The policy of this court is that second offenders serve 30 days in jail," the judge told Walls.

Walls was released into police officers’ custody and still owes a fine of $1,215.

Disorderly conduct
James Weaver, 5806 Shady Grove, Sardis, entered a "not guilty" plea to disorderly conduct-failure to comply with Officer Greg Jones’ orders. A trial was set for October 25.

Delilah Johnson, 222 Noble St., Batesville, entered a "not guilty" plea to disorderly conduct-failure to comply and resisting arrest "by pulling away, trying to keep from being cuffed," the affidavit read. A trial will be heard November 1.

Leon Mitchell, 216 1/2 West St., Batesville, had domestic violence-simple assault charges dismissed after the affiant Valerie Mitchell failed to appear to prosecute.

Tracy Rushing, no address given, had a simple assault charge dismissed from July of 2005. But he was fined $645 for leaving the scene of an accident, no driver’s license and no proof of insurance.

A lower insurance fine was imposed after he proved he received insurance after the ticket was issued.

Tanzania Bobo, 105 Clinton, Batesville, had a simple assault charge dismissed after the affiant Tabitha Hamilton failed to appear to prosecute.

Contempt of court
Alma Reeves, 208 W. Lee St., Sardis, faced old fines of $420 that have been due since December 2005. She was given the opportunity to work on the city’s work release program and failed to show up for work.

"I am listening," McKenzie said.

"You won’t work and you won’t pay your fines. What are you going to do?"

Reeves replied, "I can pay it, but not today."

The judge told Reeves to have the fines paid in full within two weeks or serve 90 days in jail.

Grand jury
Quinton Tellis, 6183 Hwy. 6 West, Batesville, was referred to the grand jury for felony fleeing, running a red light, two counts of running a stop sign, expired tag, reckless driving and no driver’s license.

Tellis, 18, requested a bond reduction from the original $7,500.

Detective Paul Shivers told the judge he had "no problem" with the request.

His bond was reduced to $2,500.

"I am not judging this case, but I can bet you are standing here today because you have no license and you ran because you were scared," the judge commented.

"Go get you a license, son!" said McKenzie.

Clifton Tatum, 215 CR 106, Abbeville, had an aggravated assault charge and two counts of simple assault and shoplifting charges continued. He is under an investigative hold for burglary charges in Lafayette County.

Eric Montgomery, 214 Tubbs Rd. #34, Batesville, entered the court room with no bond set for possession of controlled substance, felony fleeing, reckless driving, no turn signal and running a stop sign.

Detective Paul Shivers told the judge that the Panola County Drug Task Force recommended a $10,000 bond.

The judge granted the request and the case will be heard in a "higher" court. (See related story on page A1.)

April Turner, 181 Alred Rd., Courtland, was referred to the grand jury for possession of controlled substance. (See related story on page A1.)

Angela Draper, 221 Noble St., Batesville, had a felony assault on an officer and disorderly conduct-failure to comply case continued.

Terry Draper, 1217-C Springport Rd., Sardis, was fined $1,504, for disorderly conduct-failure to comply, no seat belt, no driver’s license and no proof of insurance.

"I ran because I had a warrant for child support ($10,000)," Draper said.

"Your hole is just getting deeper," said McKenzie.

Henry J. Ford, 150 MLK, Apt. C-3, Batesville, entered a guilty plea to possession of marijuana.

"There is no future in the drug world," McKenzie said.

Cases set for trial
Eric Cathey, 1164 Lawrence Brothers, Batesville, had a loud music trial continued. He was incarcerated in Grenada for other charges.

Lara Ann Wright, 139 Todd Rd., Batesville, testified that she shouldn’t have gotten a ticket from Officer Greg Jones for "running a stop sign."

"We were coming from the emergency room and had four people in the car and we dropped two people off and he just came out of nowhere,"

Wright said there were three people in the car when she was pulled over.

Her witness said there were two people in the car.

"I was observing traffic in the church parking lot at the corner of Hoskins and Panola and saw a car that slowed down, but didn’t come to a complete stop," said Jones.

"I don’t recall if anyone else was in the car," the officer said.

"So, the officer says there was one person in the car, your witness said there were three people in the car and you said there were two people in the car?" the judge pondered aloud.

"I believe the ticket is valid," the judge said.

But he did reduce the fine in half from $156 to $78.

Jeremy Partridge, 103 Johnson, Batesville, failed to appear for a domestic violence-simple assault charge by hitting April Jones Burney causing bodily injury.

The case was continued last week due to Officer Charlie Tindall being in the police academy.

Officer Tindall didn’t wish to withdraw the charge, so Sgt. Ruby Myers was there to testify as she was on the scene.

The trial was heard in Partridge’s absence with testimony from Myers.

"She had red marks on her face and back where he hit her. A lamp was busted," said Myers.

"The neighbors called the police," Myers testified.

"Based on overwhelming evidence I find the defendant guilty," the judge said.

Partridge was fined $355.

Christine Thomas, 313 Warn St., Como, was fined $864 for no proof of insurance and no driver’s license.

Nicarta Ford, 988 Wells St., Courtland, had a no proof of insurance ticket reduced to $183 after she provided proof of insurance after the ticket was issued.

Leroy Osborn, Sycamore St., Como, had a no proof of insurance ticket reduced to $183 after providing proof he received insurance after the ticket was issued.

Lillie Bell Jones, 302 Greenhill Circle, Sardis, was fined $675 for no proof of insurance and expired tag. Her expired tag ticket was reduced in half for proving she purchased a tag after the ticket was issued.

Deon K. Woodall, 8 Elms Circle, Charleston, was fined $356 for driving while license suspended.

Melalicia L. Washington, 614 Cleveland St., Indianola, had a no proof of insurance ticket dismissed after she provided valid insurance.

"I just didn’t have it in my car," Washington said.

Pamela D. Johnson, 91-H Elbert Smith Rd., Batesville, had a no proof of insurance fine reduced to $183.

Stanley L. McKinney, 14199 Ballentine Rd., Batesville, had a no proof of insurance ticket dismissed after proving he did have insurance when the ticket was issued.

Steven Pettit Jr., 5801 Eureka Rd., Courtland, was fined $539 for no proof of insurance and driving while license suspended. He had the lower insurance fine imposed after showing the judge he received insurance after the ticket was issued.

Derrick M. Cunningham, 4468 Old Panola, Sardis, had a lower fine of $183 imposed for no proof of insurance.

Joe F. Mosely, 445 Sanders Rd., Sardis, was fined $281 for no driver’s license.

Anthony Harris, 121 W. Carlee St., Sardis, was fined $464 for no driver’s license and no proof of insurance.

Sammy D. Barksdale, 4238 Curtis Rd., Batesville, was fined $393 for speeding and no driver’s license.

Tavara Rudd, 416 A. M. Flowers Rd., Batesville, had a driving while license suspended fine reduced to $178 after she proved she had taken care of her old tickets and gotten her license reinstated.

Aundrea L. Taylor, 307 Church St. Ext. #4, Como, had a no proof of insurance fine reduced to $183 after showing he received valid insurance after the ticket was issued.

Sheriff’s Report
No report this issue 
Restaurant Inspections
No report this issue 
Divorces Granted
No report this issue 
Marriage Licenses
No report this issue 



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