Saggy Pants Ordinance

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Saggy pants need county ordinance, says supervisor

By Billy Davis

He is usually quiet at county board meetings, but Supervisor James Birge asked his colleagues Monday to tackle a knee-tumbling topic: saggy pants.

He asked if supervisors would agree to an ordinance banning the practice of the too-large britches exposing a male’s underwear.

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Sheriff Otis Griffin and board attorney Bill McKenzie agreed to research the legality of such a ban.

Such a ban would include a legal description of “indecent exposure,” Griffin noted.

“The question is what is the distance from saggy pants to indecent exposure,” said the sheriff, since “body parts” are typically not exposed.

The saggy pants discussion also led to a revelation: the pants and underwear are sewed together, ensuring that — well, you know what that ensures.

The town of Crenshaw has passed a similar ordinance to ban saggy pants in public, noted road manager Lygunnah Bean.

“I don’t know what’s going on,” Bean joked. “All we used to wear was bell bottoms and Converse tennis shoes.”