County will take one day for New Year’s

Published 10:11 am Tuesday, December 13, 2016

County will take one day for New Year’s

By Rupert Howell
Panola County employees will get two days off for Christmas, Friday, December 23 and Monday, December 26 following a change of heart by Governor Phil Bryant who had previously offered only the Monday holiday.
Supervisors reluctantly adopted the governor’s state holiday after board attorney Bill McKenzie produced state statues that implied they had no choice on the matter but quickly adopted  the new holiday schedule once the governor made it available.
State and county workers will only get the one day holiday, Monday, January 2 for the New Year’s holiday.
McKenzie also produced copies of statutes that state the county can only bury dead livestock on private property when the state veterinarian declares an epidemic.
District Three supervisor John Thomas last week expressed concern because the county cannot legally bury dead livestock for residents.
Road manager Lygunnah Bean later recalled a recent incident where a cow had been dragged to a county roadside on county right-of-way and was still “wearing” the chain used to drag the carcass.
Another trip to the supervisor meeting by Annie Perry who had previously asked supervisors to create for her a position as Panola County Health Coordinator was taken under advisement after board president Cole Flint said supervisors would need to determine where money would come from to fund the position.
Flint mentioned salary, benefits, office space and equipment as well as transportation needed for such a position would require study to determine just how much funding would be needed.
Chief Deputy Chris Franklin was granted a monthly raise of $582.50 at the request of Sheriff Dennis Darby who stated the increase would come from other payroll decreases.
Supervisors approved travel for themselves in January as well as the assistant county administrator, road manager and board attorney for the annual Mid-Winter conference.
Travel was also approved for Solid Waste Adminstrator Jennifer Jackson and Rosemary Whatley to attend a Keep America Beautiful conference in Washington D. C.; for Panola County Election Commissioners and Deputy Circuit Clerk Heather Turner to Philadelphia for training; and Turner to Oxford for municipal election training.
Truckers and Parts was apparent high bidder for a used 2015 Western Star garbage truck at the price of $97,300. The bid was taken under advisement.
Supervisors  reappointed Arlene Simpson to the Panola County Housing Authority.

Board members continued the meeting at the Panola County Jail for the required annual inspection and voted to reconvene Tuesday, December 27 at 9 a.m. for their last meeting of the year at the Batesville Courthouse.

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