South Panola, SEC football is enough for me

Published 9:22 am Wednesday, November 3, 2021

By Ricky Swindle

Muffler Shop Musings

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It just seems like 2021 is just flying by to me. It will be Thanksgiving in a blink and two blinks later it will be Christmas. 2022 is fast approaching.

I enjoy this time of year because I am a huge fan of football. Not so much NFL Football unless there is a player from our county on a team. NFL ball just don’t excite me anymore.

I watch South Panola play on Friday nights on my 60-inch television screen at home. Steve Calvert, color man for the Tigers game broadcast asked me awhile back how does that work? I told him, and I’ll tell you, I don’t have a clue.

As I’ve stated before many times my wife does everything for me, and she does that too. She takes my phone and sets it to the SP Tiger Den app, clicks something on the TV remote and then plugs my phone to a wire down there somewhere. Then poof, just like magic, the game is on with a picture as clear as any channel on there. The Judge and Steve are calling the game same as you hear on the radio. Amazing.

As with our Undefined Radio app, I don’t know how it all this new-fangled stuff works, and I really don’t care, just as long as it works I’m good.

One of you tech guru’s out there can probably explain the tv/phone procedure better than I can and I have no doubt that the editor of this paper would not have a problem publishing your educated information.

On Saturdays I dive into SEC Football. There is no college football better in my opinion than the SEC. The TV announcers are more inclined to root for the Notre Dame’s, Michigan’s and Ohio State’s of college football, but when you live south of the Mason-Dixon as we do, there is no doubt where the talent and ability lies, and deep down they know it too.

I wear myself out watching the Saturday SEC games and by NFL time on Sunday I’m plumb worn out with football. It just don’t measure up emotionally with me.

Now, my brother Mike has been informing me about Peyton and Eli Manning on Monday Night Football on ESPN. He laughingly tells me on Tuesdays the show that they put on. 

So, I decided to give it a look and I will tell you I’ve been thoroughly entertained. I could care less about the game, but those two fellows sure make it bearable to watch. It’s unique and different and like no other football commentary you will ever see. Those Manning’s are just good folks.

Folks, Civitan Radio Day will be here on November 27th live from our Civitan Club downtown Batesville and will be aired 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. on 105.5 FM and

We appreciate Rick Mize of The Supertalk Radio Group and Chad Martin with Undefined Radio for allowing us to be on air another year.
We also want to thank all our loyal ad sponsors, auction donors and bidders and we humbly ask for your help again with our almost half century old fundraising tradition.

Civitans are coming to see you again in the next few days while we get everything lined up. If you would like for your business to participate, call me or any Civitan member.

Radio Day is the main fundraiser for the Civitan Club year after year and we depend on that day to fund our building expenses and follow thru with our civic obligations to help needy folks and sick and disabled children. So, mark down the date, November 27th and join in with us.

Folks, take care of yourself and Hotty Toddy or Hail State whichever you prefer.