Panel discussion will include legislative reps

Published 5:14 pm Monday, October 17, 2016

Panel discussion will include legislative reps


By Rita Howell
Thursday’s Fall Forum, sponsored by the Panola Partnership at the Batesville Civic Center, will include a panel discussion with five members of Panola’s state legislative delegation.
Sitting on the panel will be Lydia Graves Chassaniol (Senator, District 14), Gray Tollison (Senator, District 9), Robert L. Jackson (Senator, District 11), Nolan Mettetal (Representative, District 10) and Lataisha Jackson (Representative, District 11).
Participants in the session will be encouraged to ask questions, town hall style.
The panel discussion begins at 8:45 a.m., following “Business ‘N Biscuits,” a breakfast (hosted by Merit Health) that begins at 7:30 a.m.
At 10 a.m. the Young Professionals of Panola will host a networking break. Next a segment called “Bridging the Gap” will address challenges created for business by generational gaps.
A noon lunch at the Panola Country Club, sponsored by Guaranty Bank and Trust and Imerys Ceramics/KY Clay Co., will include a presentation on the value of the workforce.
The day will conclude with a golf scramble at 1:30 p.m.
To register for the forum, contact the Panola Partnership at 563-3126.

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