Upcoming Sports

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Let’s Talk It Out basketball camp set

Let’s Talk It Out Inc. announces  the Third annual Boys and Girls Basketball Camp will be held June 6 and 7 for children ages 7 to 14.   The camp is free and will be held at the North Panola High School gymnasium beginning at 8 a.m.

The purpose of the camp is to help students build character, strengthen morals, and develop friendships that will last for years.  In addition to helping children develop their current talents and introducing them to new experiences, the camp looks to improve each child’s level of confidence and instill high self-esteem.  

Let’s Talk It Out Inc. is a small non-profit organization within the Panola County area whose primary objective is to give today’s youth a voice by providing an opportunity to express their concerns and opinions on the various issues.

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SPHS to host boys basketball shootout on Saturday

A Boys Basketball Shootout will be held at South Panola on Saturday, June 7.

South Panola and North Panola teams are among the eight participating teams.

The games will be played in the South Panola High School gym and the Batesville Jr. High Gym from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

There will be no charge for admission and concessions will be available.

SP cheerleaders announce kiddie camp, program ads

The South Panola High School cheerleaders announce two summer events.
Kiddie Camp

The South Panola Competitive Cheerleaders will hold their annual Kiddie Camp July 28-31 at the South Panola High School gym. The cost of the camp is $40 per girl.  

Camp is open to girls ages 5-12. Registration will be held on Monday, July 28 from 4 to 5 p.m. in the mall at the high school. Each participant will receive a camp T-shirt and a certificate.  

All camp participants will perform during family night on Thursday, July 31 at 7 along with the South Panola High School and South Panola Jr. High competitive cheerleaders. Admission to family night is free, and the public is invited to attend.

Program Ads

Anyone interested in purchasing an ad for the 2008 South Panola football program may contact Tammy Wilkinson at twilkinson@spsd.k12.ms.us or call 563-6038.  

All businesses that purchased ads last year will be contacted by cheerleaders.  The cost of the ads is $50 for a quarter page, $75  for a half page and $125 for a whole page. The ads will be sold June 5-26.

Ads may be purchased by individuals and/or businesses.  No political ads will be sold.

SP Baseball camp begins Monday

It is not too late to register for the South Panola Baseball Camp scheduled for June 9 – 11 at the high school baseball field.

The camp will be held from 9 a.m. to noon each day for ages 7 to 14.

The fee for the camp is $50 and includes a camp t-shirt.

Campers should bring gloves, shoes and practice attire. Soccer and little league shoes are suitable. Campers may bring their own bats.

For a registration form, contact South Panola High School baseball coach Patrick Robey at (662) 934–2104.

SP to hold softball camp

The South Panola fastpitch team will hold a softball camp June 16-18 for ages 6 to 14. The cost is $60.

The camp will run from 9 to 11:30 a.m. To register,  contact head coach Ashleigh Hicks or high school office at (662) 563-4756.

State Games baseball tryouts held tomorrow

Baseball tryouts for the 17th Annual State Games of Mississippi have been set for June 4 at eight locations statewide.

High School juniors and seniors graduating in 2009 and 2010 will have the opportunity to show off their baseball skills in front of a selection committee comprised of high school baseball coaches from across the state. Tryouts are scheduled June 4, at 10 a.m. and will be held at Northwest Mississippi Community College.