
Property Transfers

Compiled by Davis Coen Property transfers between Dec. 16-20, 2024, as recorded with the Panola County Chancery Clerk: ...


Property Transfers

Compiled by Davis Coen Property transfers between Dec. 9-13, 2024, as recorded with the Panola County Chancery Clerk: ...


Batesville Fire Dept. Call Log

Dec. 10 MLK Dr., structure fire. Central St., 54 year old female with difficulty breathing. Tubbs Rd., Timber ...


​​​​Panola County Jail Log

Compiled by Brad Greer This list was taken from the log at the Panola County Jail. A name ...


State’s overall ag value hits $9 billion in ’24

By Susan Collins-Smith Extension Service    Mississippi’s agriculture industry remains vibrant with an overall production value estimated at ...


​​​​Panola County Jail Log

Compiled by Brad Greer This list was taken from the log at the Panola County Jail. A name ...


Batesville Fire Dept. Call Log

Dec. 3 Armstrong St., 83 year old female is dehydrated. Eureka St., house fire, caller advises property is ...


Property Transfers

Compiled by Davis Coen Property transfers between Dec. 2 -6, 2024, as recorded with the Panola County Chancery ...


Batesville Fire Dept. Call Log

Nov. 26 Hadorn Rd., dryer is on fire. Hwy. 6E, 81 year old female with difficulty breathing. Keating ...


Restaurant Inspections

The Mississippi Department of Health conducted 10 food service inspections in Panola County between Nov. 1 and Nov. ...

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