Internet is chipping our brains
Published 1:00 pm Thursday, January 30, 2025
- Donna Traywick
By Donna Traywick
Mt. Olivet News
Hopefully the bad weather is over – at least maybe for a while. It’s always bad weather during
the District Cattle Show. Last year it was the ice storm – this year the snow and dangerously low
temperatures. I am told that this district show must be held at this time of year, to get
everything ready for the state show this summer.
I am so proud of seven year old Riley Kate Durham. Riley Kate is the daughter of Hunter and
Diamond Durham, granddaughter of Michael and Amber Browning, great granddaughter of
Larry and Patsy Browning, of Mt. Olivet.
Riley Kate won several first places, especially in show ship. People who are not familiar with
what goes on to get ready for these shows. First, the calf has to be trained to lead on a halter.
That requires hours of work months before the show. Tiny little Riley Kate had to get the calf to
hold its feet just right, then his head a certain way, and last – but so important – she must stand
a certain way.
I think this is one of the best ways to teach children responsibility and confidence. It’s hard
work to show an animal. We showed quarter horses for over twenty years. It kept us a close
knit family. Children had no time to play with an electronic game or phone. The fresh air, the
association with others and how to win and lose graciously are great lessons they can learn.
I think it is harder to train and show a calf, than a horse. Riley Kate we are proud of you.
In his book ‘The Shadow’ by Nicholas Carr, he describes how the internet is chipping away at
our brain.
This has been more noticeable with the use of GPS. We can just sit back and drive and don’t do
any thinking. Mr. Carr suggested doing this as a personal example, think of the number of
phone numbers you used to remember and how reliant you are on your computer cell phone to
now store these numbers.
I gave myself this test. I have had my cell phone for about five years. I could not recall my
doctor's phone number nor any of the important numbers we always kept.
To be small, churches in our area are very active. On Feb. 1, Faith will have a Chili Cookoff and
Gospel singing at noon. On Sat. Feb. 15, Shady Grove will have a Valentine banquet.
Ponder this: What happens to all the tops of your plastic wear. I can never keep them together.
Is it just me?
Write to Donna at