State’s new alligator man provides program update

Published 1:00 pm Wednesday, September 25, 2024

State’s new alligator man provides program update
By Hunter Cloud
The Daily Leader
Alligator program coordinator Andrew Arnett made his first program update presentation to the
Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks Commission last Wednesday. The
presentation came during an educational session as his co-workers reassured him he would do
He said the first part of the update was about the 2024 public waters alligator season. The
season was open for 10 days from Aug. 30 to Sept. 9, on public waters. In total, 6,576 people
applied for alligator permits and 981 hunters were drawn.
Arnett said of the 981 permits drawn, only 692 permit holders actually hunted. He added that
3,536 hunters took part in the season and 785 alligators were harvested this year.
Mississippi broke a couple of records. One alligator broke the longest and heaviest female
record by measuring 11 foot and ¾ of an inch beating the old record by about 10 inches. The
same alligator beat the weight record by five pounds weighing in at 324 pounds, Arnett said.
Arnett said on Private Waters, hunters have a longer season of 24 days. He added 122
properties were permitted with 338 vouchers issued. Hunters can take two alligators per
voucher which would equal 676 alligators eligible for harvest.

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