Condition of State Park is an embarrassment

Published 4:40 pm Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Dear Editor,

On July 8, 2024, I rode through Sardis Dam and observed the State run areas, part of the campground and John Kyle State Park. The condition of these two locations is an embarrassment. If the state of Mississippi is unable to keep up its obligations it should ask the Federal Government to take over.

How often do you all send someone of authority to this area? A few years ago, I made phone calls to shed light on this negligence. My calls were met with “run-a-rounds” and no acknowledgement.

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The disgrace of the buildings and facilities is wasteful. The flag pole front and center “welcoming visitors” has no flag or rope!


If the state cannot keep up their properties, they need to be eliminated and turned into wildlife refuge. I hope parks throughout our state are not in this condition.


Beverly Ferrell
