Broken bones trying to polish the piano

Published 7:23 am Wednesday, June 7, 2023

By Donna Traywick
Mt. Olivet News

Dear Readers, 

I took a little break from my column to catch up on transposing hymns as they are written in the hymn books to a simpler version for my students. I also needed time to work on the Panola County Singing Convention. 

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The singing was to be held May 28 at Mt. Olivet Methodist Church.  A nice group had committed including, The Black Jack group, The Pentecostal Church, Steve McGregory and wife Linda. Steve is the most talented musician that I know. He is so modest about his God given talent. 

The Mt. Olivet Choir had worked hard on songs including On the Jericho Road. They always dedicate this song to the late “Skeeta” Thornton who enjoyed coming in with his rich bass voice. There were others who plan to come sing and direct in keeping with the tradition of the former Panola County Convention.

I had asked Veedy Franklin, who has the most beautiful ferns each year, if we could borrow them. I had an appointment with Paul Franklin, her son, to meet me on Saturday. I rushed out and began to polish the baby grand piano. I noticed that the piano was rather close to the edge of the stage, but thought no more about it as I began to polish. 

I stretched out to get to the top and lost my balance hitting the concrete floor, which was about 3 feet away. I could not get up! Paul was there soon, and got me up. Randy Johnson was spraying weeds and he came in and suggested that we call Gary Hartman the EMT with Mt. Olivet Fire Department. He thought that I should go to the E.R.

LaDonna rushed down from laying sod at their new home. The short story is I have a broken elbow and three broken ribs. I am recuperating at LaDonna’s. The Singing Convention is on hold for now.

She has the most beautiful view from the back of her house. It reminds me of the Ozarks. There’s a song that goes “ O give me a home where the buffalo roam and deer and antelope play” I am watching the deer and coyote roam.

I love to hear the coyotes howl at night, but I am told that a coyote can be potentially dangerous to children and pets. They, however, are timid and shy animals and usually flee at the sight of a human. They may act differently to dogs. They will fight with a dog if provoked, and both dog and coyote can be injured or killed. 

The moonlight allows coyotes to see their home region at night, to inform other intruders of their presence. They will protect its area with hows, whines, and barks to warn intruders that they are not welcome. A coyote can reach a speed of 43 mph and jump 13 1/8 feet.

Bible school started Monday June 5 thru Friday at Shady Grove Baptist Church. The theme is “Twist and Turns”. This sounds like a fun time. Come Join them the rest of the week.

God bless and thanks to my rescue boys, Paul, Randy and Gary. Thanks for the prayers. Send me your messages and ideas to 901-828-8824.