Prayers, pickers, weddings, and Jameson
Published 8:21 am Thursday, May 5, 2022
By Ricky Swindle
Muffler Shop Musings
Howdy, friends.
The Sign says “Today Is The Tomorrow You Worried About Yesterday.” It’s a quote borrowed from Dale Carnegie.
We’ve had quite a bit to worry about lately with our little bunch. My brother Mike’s wife Sissy has been diagnosed with a major cancer issue.
Mike and me we’re raised up in the Pentecostal faith and we are firm believers in the power of faith and prayer, and are humbly asking all our friends and neighbors to add Barbara “Sissy” Swindle to your prayer lists.
Bro. Tommy Darby came to see Mike the other day at the shop and asked Mike if he could pray for him. Mike was beaming as he told me, “Bro. Tommy just laid his hands on me right out in the parking lot and commenced praying for me right then and there.”
God bless Bro. Tommy for passing a measure of strength over to Mike.
On a brighter note, my son, not my stepson, Mason, because the only steps we have in our family are the ones that lead up on our porch, informed us Wednesday that him and his wife Shelby are expecting to have us a sixth Grandheathen come December. We are looking for us a redhead to join our little flock by years end.
Some more happy news I received was from a lifelong friend of not only mine, but the entire county because I’d wager a hefty sum that no one who’s ever known him would have a bad thing to say about Steve McGregory.
Steve has done so much for music in our area that I could not properly describe all the people his talent has touched.
Excited as a person could possibly be, he told me that our Jameson Rodgers has invited him, his mentor, to play a song with him on The Grand Ole Opry on May 7.
Happy could not express the joy he was relating to me.
That is a great thing Jameson has done for Steve to honor him in that respect.
Steve has played more songs and show dates than probably anyone I know and to have a chance to perform on the greatest stage of Country Music is only fitting for a man who has kindly and humbly entertained folks with his talents since he was a teenager.
It’s refreshing to see a good fellow come out on top on this old road of life.
My better half and I have our tickets already and we will be in that audience that night to witness our two Panola County stars shine.
The shows are replayed again on NBC after Saturday Night Live so there’s a good chance you can see the performance from the comfort of your easy chair.
Speaking of Jameson, the entire town is gearing up to see him perform at his homecoming downtown Batesville on May 21 for Springfest. I’d suggest for you to come early that day.
I will be battling the clock on that date to make it to the show myself.
I’ve never missed a Fest in over 20 years, but I have a previous engagement that I wouldn’t miss for the world.
My brother Mike’s oldest daughter Amber is getting married on May 21 in Taylor. So, I’m going to be pushing it hard to get back to town before Jameson takes the stage.
But Jameson don’t need me there to deliver ya’ll what will most likely be the best show we’ve ever had on The Square. I bet he knocks it out of the park.
Take care of yourself folks and again if you don’t mind, please add our gal Sissy to your prayer lists.