Community Calendar
Published 10:25 am Thursday, April 7, 2022
April 4-8
Water Valley Crusade for Christ, 591 Wise Street, 7 p.m. nightly. Bible preaching, singing, fellowship in a tent meeting. All are welcome. Scheduled preacher is Steve Perrish. For more information call 662-714-0098.
April 9
Home of the Brave, 1038 Hwy. 305 North, Senatobia, will have lunch and fellowship (10:45 a.m. start) and a Sounding of the Shofar w/Gary Myers (6 p.m.). Home of the Brave H4B strives to create a peaceful environment of hope for military men, women, and families as they transition from military service to a purposeful civilian life.
April 10-13
Shady Grove Baptist Church will have Revival Services with guest preacher Bro. Kenny Digby. Sunday night at 6 p.m., and Monday thru Wednesday at 7 p.m. Church is at 1638 Shady Grove Rd. Bro. Tim McMillen is pastor.
April 12-14
Passion Week Revival Services will be held at Macedonia M.B. Church, 2609 Macedonia Rd., at 7 p.m. nightly. CDC guidelines will be strictly adhered. Pastor Irvin Bishop, Rock Hill M.B. Church, will be the evangelist for the celebration.
April 16
Curtis Locke Station Fire Dept. will have a Bake Sale fundraiser starting at 7 a.m. at the First Security Bank Express Branch in front of Piggly Wiggly. Cakes, brownies, etc. Funds will help purchase new equipment.
April 16
Yalo-Ribbon Festival presented by the Oakland Area Chamber. Oakland Walking Track 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. World record Cakewalk. Easter egg hunt, parade, town market. Register for the cakewalk by contacting the Oakland Area Chamber of Commerce on Facebook or the day of the event.
April 16
662 Lashes will host EGGstravaganza ‘22 at Trussell Park from noon to 4 p.m. There will be prizes, entertainment, concessions, and more. Contact Mya at 209-9605 for more information.
April 17
First Baptist Church will hold a Community Easter Service at The Cross at 7 a.m. Everyone is invited to the special service at The Cross (near I-55 & behind Panola Medical Center). Bring a lawn chair and enjoy community worship.
April 19
The Mt. Olivet Fire Department will have its annual meeting at 7 p.m. at the fire station.
April 28
Panola County Republican Women will have a charter dinner at the Wilbourn Building at 6 p.m. Tickets are $25. Keynote speaker will be State Attorney General Lynn Fitch. For tickets or more information call 662-934-5825.
April 30
Panola Partnership will sponsor the 2022 Springfest Pageant. Ages 6 months to 7 years will be judged at 10 a.m. (8:30 check in). Dress is Sunday attire. Ages 8 to 18 pageant will be at 1 p.m. (noon check in). Dress is pageant attire. Contact Panola Partnership at 662-563-3126 for more information or request an entry form from
May 20-21
Springfest 2022 in downtown Batesville will feature country music recording artist Jameson Rodgers. A full music lineup, carnival rides, food and craft vendors, corn hole tournament, and much more. Family fun with free admission and free parking.
May 21
The 7th Annual Mississippi Cornhole Classic is accepting registrations. Competition is two-person teams with double elimination. Cash prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners. $60 per team to pre-register. $75 on the day of the tournament. Brackets formed around 10:45, bags fly at 11 a.m.
May 28
Crowder Class Reunion 2022. Mark your calendars now and attend the reunion at the Crowder Family Life Center. Registration will be 4 – 5 p.m. with a Pot Luck supper at 5:30 pm. Fellowship to follow until the lights are turned off.
June 11
The Panola County Juneteenth Festival will be held on Main St. in Sardis at noon. This year the festival will honor Panola County native son Bobby O’Jay, the legendary WDIA 1070 radio host. This is a community/family event and everyone is invited to attend. Anyone wishing to make a donation to the event or get a vendor’s application should contact the Juneteenth Festival committee via its Facebook page.
Batesville Lions Club hosts bingo with 17 games and total cash prizes of $4,400. Card sales begin at 6 p.m. Early games at 7 p.m. and regular games start at 7:30 p.m. Refreshments are available.