For Meritorious Service To Panola County

Published 7:53 am Wednesday, February 3, 2021

The Panola County Board of Supervisors presented Emergency Operations Manager Daniel Cole with an engraved Glock Model 22 handgun in appreciation for his “above and beyond” service during the 2020-21 pandemic and the abnormally high number of severe storms and flash flooding events of last year. Cole and his office dealt with four major storms – including two Easter weekend that killed one woman and caused millions in property damage – and several smaller, but dangerous wind events in 2020. Besides the  logistical challenges of keeping water wells running for county residents during electrical outages and assisting volunteer fire departments across Panola, Cole is responsible for a vast amount of paperwork and meticulous documentation of each weather event to ensure Panola County’s businesses and residents receive their share of state and federal storm aid funds or loans. Presenting the Glock to Cole was board president Cole Flint on behalf of the other supervisors, including James Birge (vice president), Chad Weaver, Earl Burdette, and John Thomas.

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