New truck stop has started construction

Published 4:49 pm Tuesday, October 15, 2019

By Myra Bean

Como is on the move.

Groundbreaking and construction is underway for the new C-Store on Frontage Road near Interstate 55. Jody Thind  began in February, 2018 about building the truck center. After some delays, the store is expected to be finished in six months, according to Como Mayor Everett Hill.

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Hill updated the Board of Aldermen and the public about a number of town issues at a Tuesday, Oct. 8, board meeting.

Grant Approval

The board heard from Cornerstone Engineering, LLC owner Maurice McKenzie Sr. about  funding for street upgrades. Hill said through Cornerstone Engineering the town was approved for the Small Municipalities Grant for $150,000 for Craig St. resurfacing.

With winter close and companies about to shut down on asphalt production, Hill said he hopes to get that project started and done as soon as the weather warms up in March or April.

On the Warren Street resurfacing, bids came in last week over the $250,000 the town has to pay. The least was $275,000 and the highest was $345,000.

“Why they bid that high and know we only have $250,000 to pay, and that does not include engineering fees?” Hill asked.

The town will ask for rebids for the project. The state gave various cities and towns $250,000 for roads from the BP Oil settlement. Como was one of the recipients.


Alderwoman Ruby Higginbottom gave a report on the update on the Emily Jones Pointer Library in Como. The outside is almost finished and just needs to be pressure washed. Hill said the town can get a pressure washer.

Higginbottom wants to start working on the flooring. The decision was between carpet and polished concrete flooring. The board and citizens decided on concrete. They will start near the back and pull up the carpet to see what the flooring is like and decide from there what needs to be done.

Coming Events

For Halloween, the city will have a trunk or treat event at the park Halloween night Oct. 31 from 5 to 6:30 p.m. They are asking citizens and businesses to participate. Those interested may contact Teresa Dishmon or Candice Armstrong.

The board approved the claims docket of $25,246.87 before adjourning.