City studying List of projects

Published 10:27 am Monday, February 18, 2019

By Jeremy Weldon

Batesville Public Works Director David Karr recently presented an ambitious plan for capital improvements and maintenance to city fathers that, if implemented, would repair failing infrastructure and see the construction of a number of new buildings, along with parks and recreational facilities.

At the end of the hour-long proposal aldermen were in high spirits about the proposed upgrades and repairs, but moods were quickly dampened when Karr told them the price tag – some 49 million, and probably a little more with new equipment added to the total.

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Still, aldermen were pleased to see the breakdown of needed improvements and were not overwhelmed with the price tag. Karr, who has worked on the 20-year comprehensive plan for several months, told the board they should concentrate on the most needed projects.

In the past year the city has continually worked to patch leaks and line collapses in the sewer system, and aldermen are aware that infrastructure should be shored up before taking on any new projects. Sewer system expansion and improvements are needed in several areas of the city as the load has become more than existing lines were built to withstand.

Listed in the sewer department proposed upgrades were expansion at the Airport Industrial Park, Sand Creek interceptor capacity improvements, infiltration and inflow rehab, Harmon Circle subdivision upgrades, East interceptor improvements, Hwy. 35 N. improvements, and Industrial Drive capacity upgrade – all at a cost of $8 million.

Other projects included $2.2 million for the water department with work for Harmon Circle subdivision, Pine Lodge Road/Cotton Plant Road, Hwy. 6 E. water extension, Good Hope Road, Bethlehem Road, and an elevated water tank at the Airport Industrial Park. Water lines are too small to handle the water demands on those roads listed as all lie within the most rapidly growing areas in East Batesville.

Other departments in the city that were included in Karr’s presentation and the costs of improvements were: Civic Center ($1.1 million), Gas Department ($1.1 million), Fire, Police, and Public Works Dept. ($10.9 million), Parks and Recreation ($9.5 million), Street Department ($3.9 million).

Aldermen took the report under advisement and will soon begin to make a priority list of the needed improvements, and start the process of deciding how to best finance the projects.