SP powerlifting wins district meet

Published 4:39 pm Thursday, January 31, 2019

Staff report

The South Panola powerlifting team placed first at a district meet at Lewisburg Saturday. A total of nine lifters qualified for North Half. The total team lift was 12,555 pounds.

First place finishers were Derrick Cunningham in 198 class; Telly Doyle in 220 class; and Tra Norwood in 242 class. Placing second were Terion Hughes, 114 class and Kiylan Williams, 308 plus weight class. Third place finishers were Caleb Thornton, 165; Jordan Milton, 181; Jatavius Webb, 198; and Jakeryon Pollard, 308 plus.

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They will compete in North Half Feb. 22 in Lewisburg.


Members of the South Panola Powerlifting team include (front, from left) Terion Hughes, head coach Zach Broadaway, (second row) Kiylan Williams, Jakeryon Pollard, Derrick Cunningham, Tra Norwood, Telly Doyle, Jordan Milton, Caleb Thorn and manager Eli Campbell. Not pictured is assistant coach Taylor Davison. (Submitted)