Another view of the Cross
Published 10:05 am Tuesday, May 1, 2018
Another view of the Cross
By David A. Ball, M.D.
To say this is not a Christian community because there are some who live here beside Christians is like saying it is not an educated community because some who live here are not educated; or saying it is not a loving community because some who are intolerant, hateful, and judgemental; or saying it is not a law abiding community because we have the need for law enforcement officers.
Christians, unlike Muslims, appreciate the free choice of an individual to worship or to not worship; to believe in a loving God who provided the atoning sacrifice for redemption or to not believe.
The Cross demonstrates that very thing because Jesus died precisely for the unlovable, the law breakers, the defiant, and even those who have been abused and carry unresolved bitterness and anger as a result.
While there certainly have been some professing Christians over the years who have used their “professed faith” for their own benefit, it is gross negligence to throw out the baby with the bath water and claim all Christians are evil.
No single group of people in all our history has ever been as benevolent, self-sacrificing, service oriented, and truth oriented as Christians! I challenge anyone to show me documentation to the contrary.
As for documentation – let the records show – the property on which the Cross stands (located just off Interstate 55) was not donated by the city or the county or any government agency or any representative thereof!
This project was privately funded by loving people whose lifestyle is oriented to giving and not spending everything they have on themselves.
Strange as it seems to some, they are not bitter or angry and hateful. They recognize their own sinfulness and accept their own responsibility for sins without blaming other people for their bitterness and hate.
It takes a life changing experience that happens on bended knees at the Cross to love instead of hating, living in anger, and blaming everyone but the only one responsible. We all know that because everyone alive has been mistreated and has had “bad things” happen to them.
This community has chosen the road less traveled – to love instead of hate, to forgive instead of blame, to see the good in people instead of the bad, to help instead of hurt, and yes, to even include instead of isolate.
We have a prayer vigil at “that Cross” just off Interstate 55 on the first Monday of every month at 7 a.m. We pray for our country. We pray for unity. We pray for people who have burdens. We pray for a humanly impossible, Christ-like attitude to love those who are bitter towards us, and say all manner of evil against us because that is what the cross demands for us!
For the Christian, that is not optional. See you at the Cross.