County will get new property insurance carrier
Published 11:06 am Friday, September 29, 2017
- Flint
County will get new property insurance carrier

By Rupert Howell
The county will have a different property and casualty insurance carrier following a 3-2 vote Monday to change from a commercial carrier to the Mississippi Association of Supervisors’ Insurance Trust or self insurance.
After polling department heads including the county’s administrator, sheriff department administrator and Chancery Clerk, Supervisor John Thomas made a motion to stay with current insurance company One Beacon. Board President Cole Flint “passed the gavel” and made the second but the motion failed despite recommendations of department administrators and officials.
A motion was then made by District Four Supervisor Donald Phelps to accept the proposal of Mississippi Association of Supervisors Executive Director Derrick Surrette with the measure passing 3-2 with Phelps, Vernice Avant and James Birge voting affirmative.
The insurance is handled locally through Caldwell Insurance Agency and Perrin Caldwell explained the policies were as close to comparing “apples to apples” as possible although they did have differences with some advantages and disadvantages for both.
Caldwell, who was accompanied by co-worker Chris Smith, said his agency could work with any of the companies who submitted proposals.
Surrette explained that his proposal would save the county approximately $45,000 from the current year’s premium of $431,000, but when Jeff Estes of Arthur J. Gallagher submitted his proposal from One Beacon, it was within $3,000 of the MAS quote.
Road Manager Lygunnah Bean noted during the meeting that getting new quotes on the county’s health and now property and casualty insurance is saving taxpayers approximately $70,000.
Phelps explained he and others voting in favor of his motion had been to “meeting after meeting” concerning the association’s insurance program and he was convinced it was the right move.
Supervisors also approved 4-1 a list of school bus turn-arounds from South Panola School District. A location on the list allows the county’s road department to maintain private driveways used by school buses. Several private subdivision roads are also maintained through the bus turnaround policy.
Flint was the dissenting supervisor and has previously voiced opposition noting approval leaves the door open for misuse of county labor and equipment.
He said Monday that he had not had time to look at the list of 191 turn around locations. North Panola District’s turnaround request listed 70 locations.
Bean has noted in the past that only the locations determined to need attention by the school’s transportation director are actually serviced and only during the school year.
Flint also abstained from voting for the a budget line item that contained an allocation for Panola Partnership which is connected with a lawsuit of which he is involved.
The board president explained Monday he was talking and working with Partnership Director Joe Azar on an almost daily basis on development issues involving Panola County and the Partnership.
Supervisors next meet Monday, October 2 in Sardis at 9 a.m.