Residents enjoy Eclipse
Published 11:24 am Tuesday, August 22, 2017
- With his Samsung Galaxy 8 Christopher Alexander captured this image of the Great Eclipse of 2017 over Batesville and sent it to us to share with our readers. An unsuccessful attempt to capture the image is the subject of column, page A4.
With his Samsung Galaxy 8 Christopher Alexander captured this image of the Great Eclipse of 2017 over Batesville and sent it to us to share with our readers. An unsuccessful attempt to capture the image is the subject of column, page A4.
At North Delta School Monday, students gathered with their safety glasses to see the solar eclipse, the first one visible all across the U.S. since 1918. Enjoying the view are (from left) Jameson Hill, Stella Sayle and Lucy Roberson, with teacher Tina Joyner.
The Panolian photo by Rupert Howell