Batesville Civitans serving since 1958

Published 12:47 pm Monday, September 19, 2016


Noon club Civitan officers include: (from right) Gale Bean, president; Sarah Trout, vice president; Connie Burns, secretary; Danny Jones, chaplain and District Governor Glen Adams.


The evening Civitan Club officers include: (from right) Governor Adams; Keith Moore, president; Randy Boren, vice president; Charles Cobb, secretary; Norm Cote, sergeant-at-arms and Fletcher Powers, treasurer.


Outgoing two-year president Richard Shirey (left) was praised for his two years of service Monday night after District Governor Glen Adams (center) presented Shirey and incoming president Keith Moore with a copy of the original charter first issued in 1958. The Panolian photos by Rupert Howell

Batesville Civitans serving since 1958

By Rupert Howell
Civitans gathered Monday evening for officer installation for both their noon and evening clubs while long-time member and current District Governor Glen Adams  presented the civic club with a copy of their long lost charter that dated to their first officer installation on May 30, 1958.
Members and guests were treated to prime rib with all the trimmings cooked for Civitans by Civitans at their building on Panola Avenue next to the Batesville Downtown Square.
The local group takes on many projects as needs arise and is no longer just content selling Claxton Fruit Cakes during Christmas and putting out flags during patriotic holidays.
Most recently they sponsored Red,White and Blue Day with the help of St. Mary Catholic Church and Father Sam Messina, and fed approximately 100 first responders from throughout the county in appreciation of what they do.
The club is also partnering to help provide coats for children in need for the coming winter.
Noon Club incoming President Gale Bean is active in local needs and began the annual Thanksgiving Dinner where citizens throughout the county are treated to turkey and all the trimmings. Expect to see a number of Civitans there on Thursday, November 24, either cooking, serving or cleaning.
Civitan International is an organization of volunteer service clubs around the world, dedicated to helping people in their own communities wherever the need arises according to their website.

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