Enid Lake officials remind boaters to pay attention to potential hazards

Published 12:00 am Thursday, July 28, 2016

Enid Lake officials remind boaters to pay attention to potential hazards

By Enid Lake Ranger Staff
The lake level at Enid Lake is currently at 250.60 above mean sea level; with the gates opened a total of one foot.
The normal water level for this time of year (also referred to as summer pool) is 250.00 feet above mean sea level.
Enid Lake is a flood control lake, thus visitors should remember that the lake level is continuously rising and falling.
The Enid Lake Personnel would like to remind all boat operators at Enid Lake to pay close attention to potential hazards while operating boats. There are numerous potential hazards hidden under the water line. Things such as embankments, stumps, trees, etc. can be well hidden, but just barely under the water’s surface.
It is important to note that if you are unfamiliar with Enid Lake, it is best to go at a slow, safe speed and maintain focus on the water ahead.
Enid Lake personnel reminds all visitors to area lakes to be aware of weather conditions, when enjoying summertime activities.  
With the rise of summer temperatures, isolated thunderstorms are always possible. These thunderstorms can pop up very quickly and have many hazards associated with them including: lighting, hail, and possible tornadoes or high winds.
Visitors need to pay close attention to weather conditions and vacate the beaches and lake, and to stay away from trees when severe weather is threatening.
It is a good idea for visitors to always have a severe weather plan in place and ensure that everyone in the party knows what to do.
With today’s technology, weather forecasts can be obtained through wireless devices including: radios, cell phones, smart phones, and many other portable devices most of which can also be programmed to receive severe weather alerts. remember plan, be prepared and always make safety a top priority.
Enid Lake operations and maintenance personnel along with RBS Contract Personnel are currently installing sewage hook ups in the Persimmon Hill Campground.
This project will continue throughout the remainder of the summer into the fall. Once completed, Persimmon Hill visitors will be able to enjoy the luxury of having full hook ups including: water, electrical, and sewage hook ups at each site.
Visitors may be asked to relocate to a different campsite during their stay on occasion throughout this construction process.
Enid Lake Staff ask that all visitors pay close attention while driving through this area, and assist us with making this project go as smooth as possible.
Enid Lake operations and maintenance personnel along with RBS contract Personnel just completed installation of a roof structure on the comfort station located at the North Abutment or also known as the overlook.
The roof structure now houses a new comfort station with heat and air conditioning, picnic tables, and bulletin boards that will contain historic/current lake information and lake policies.
For more information on Enid Lake water safety or recreational opportunities contact the Enid Lake Field Office at 662-563-4571 or visit us at our website at: http://www.mvk.usace.army.mil/Missions/Recreation/EnidLake.aspx.

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