Published 12:00 am Friday, July 8, 2016

Trump for President 2016 Mississippi Committee Chairman Attorney Mitch Tyner.
By Rupert Howell
Attorney Mitch Tyner, who serves as Donald Trump’s state committee chairman, told about 20 supporters who gathered at Batesville’s VFW meeting Thursday that the Donald Trump seen on TV and the real Donald Trump are not the same.
“Right now he’s a politician—loud and brash,” Tyner, who has met with Trump in a small informal setting, said.
Tyner said his wife was not a Trump supporter until that meeting when he won his wife over when she saw how he treated their children.
Referring to Trump’s book, The Art of The Deal, Tyner noted that Trump was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, but encouraged those attending to look at the “fruit.”
“Trump is not my spiritual advisor, but look at the fruit. Look at his children,” he said.
The Trump committee chairman noted three issues of Trump’s concern including an excessive national debt, immigration and Second Amendment Rights. He said the presumptive Democratic nominee would differ on all three issues.
On the $20 trillion debt, Tyner said the government is stealing from everyone’s savings account.
Concerning immigration Tyner said, “We need to get our house in order,” and stop immigration until we can control it.
Tyner said the Second Amendment is what “empowers people.”
The attorney said donations were needed noting Trump had spent his own money seeking the party nomination and wasn’t going to pay himself back.
He predicted the Democratic candidate would spend a billion dollars on the campaign and urged everyone to send donations to Trump, large or small.
Panola County Republican Party Chairman Chuck Nix and Shawn O’Neal were appointed Panola County co-chairmen of the Trump for President 2016 and were asked to find precinct captains from Panola’s 25 precincts.