NP trustees
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, June 21, 2016

By Rupert Howell
All were counted present, but only one North Panola trustee was in the building Wednesday during a special called meeting of the school board. Four used electronic devices or teleconferencing to attend from their places of employment.
During the meeting 45 positions of employment were approved with at least one-half of those being for the extended school program and summer feeding program at various cafeterias in the district. Most of the other half employed included full-time positions for the 2016-17 school year.
The trustees approved a “tightened” early release for senior students after considerable discussion with trustee Pat Lamar questioning whether parents would be well informed of the change.
Lamar insisted parents should sign forms stating they understood the policy so the matter didn’t come back to administrators or trustees.
She explained if parents had signed a sheet stating they have read the handbook, then, “It’s not on us, it’s on them.”
Trustees also approved policy changes to the honor roll and graduation requirements.
Other action during the noon meeting included approving requests for emergency certifications for three teachers, accepting two employee resignations and rescinding another resignation with Superintendent Cedric Richardson explaining the teacher in question would be able to give 100 percent effort to the teaching position while earning an advanced degree.