Shooting suspect

Published 12:00 am Monday, April 18, 2016

Shooting suspects arrested despite contrary witnesses

By Rupert Howell
Two have been arrested following recent separate shootings in Batesville where victims were uncooperative when asked to identify the shooter.
“If you pull a trigger in Batesville, we’re going to come get you,” Assistant Police Chief Jimmy McCloud said Thursday after giving BPD detective division full credit for investigative work leading to the names of the shooters.
“A lot of leg work went into these arrests,” McCloud said.
Greg Drecus Leland was charged with aggravated assault in an April 1 shooting at Patton Lane Park and Randarrius Salter is charged with aggravated assault and discharging a firearm at 128 Patton Lane Sunday, April 10.
McCloud said other arrests were expected to follow in the April 10 shooting.
“The lack of cooperation made the investigation more difficult,” according to McCloud who said public cooperation is essential for good police work.
The assistant chief reiterated a theme often repeated, “If you see something, say something. We just sometimes need a little help.”
“There are often innocent people around, including children who could have gotten hurt,” McCloud said while stating, “We need good citizens to please cooperate.”
McCloud went on to explain, “We’re trying to keep the streets safe. Please be patient.”
Noting that an increase in traffic stops and other crime deterrents will be experienced, ”It might be a little inconvenient to reach in your glove box and get your license and insurance (card), but we need our citizens’ cooperation. We’ve got to keep folks safe.” he said.

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