County asks help tackling litter on Cleanup Day

Published 12:00 am Monday, April 11, 2016

County asks help tackling litter on Cleanup Day

By Rupert Howell
Saturday, April 30 is Panola County Cleanup Day and supervisors are asking residents to assist by picking up their roads and neighborhoods while county crews will be hauling away bags of roadside litter accumulated by participating citizens.
Action came during Monday’s board meeting where property owner John Scarbough addressed the litter situation from his perspective as both property owner and observant traveler, noting Panola County’s litter problem is more severe than other areas.
Sheriff Dennis Darby addressed Scarbough’s comments stating, “It’s (roadside litter) embarrassing.”
The sheriff explained the county only has one crew picking up garbage where in the past when more state inmates were housed in Panola’s jail, two crews worked to keep litter off of Panola’s roadsides.
Scarbough was asked to stay for the remainder of the meeting when supervisors approved joining the Keep America Beautiful recycling campaign and voted to set the date for cleanup.
County Administrator Kelly Magee said garbage bags will be provided for the cleanup and Sheriff Darby suggested neighborhoods that gather their litter then call his department to transport the bags.
Road manager Lygunnah Bean, who did not attend Monday’s meeting, said later his department would be participating “100 percent” in the cleanup effort.
Those interested in participating are asked to contact 563-6200 to sign up for the area they would like to pick up.
The Town Como recently held their cleanup day and Sardis Mayor Billy Russell has set Saturday, June 11 as that municipality’s clean up day while challenging his five aldermen to get the most volunteers for which he would provide a trophy.

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