Published 12:00 am Thursday, March 31, 2016

Retired NFL star Deuce McAlister posed for a photo with Lillian Brown at last Thursday’s banquet fundraiser for the Boys and Girls Club of Northwest Mississippi. McAlister, the keynote speaker for the banquet, was introduced by Romaro Miller, his former quarterback and room mate from his days at Ole Miss. The Panolian photo by Glennie Pou

Andre Gleaton, the B&G Club Youth of the Year, was master of ceremonies for the banquet.
By Rupert Howell
Pro-bowler, Ole Miss and New Orleans Saint record holding running back Deuce McAlister didn’t disappoint the record breaking number of Boys & Girls Club of North Mississippi supporters who showed up to see the former star and his college roomate and quarterback Romaro Miller last Thursday at the annual Steak and Steak fundraiser.
Miller said he didn’t have a Boys and Girls Club to attend when he was growing up but he had, “Great parents, teachers and coaches.”
“It does take a village,” (to raise a child), and Boys and Girls Clubs are part of that village he explained.
McCallister runs the “Catch 22 ” foundation which is dedicated to underprivileged youth in the Gulf South Region.
“The only way Batesville and Panola County are going to be great is by investing in your youth,” McAllister told the crowd gathered at Batesville Civic Center.
About his records at Ole Miss and New Orleans—”Records are made to be broken,” he stated adding, “Life is about giving.”
“What impact have you made? Be accountable to your teammates on the field. Make someone else great,” he said encouraging those listening to use the sports vernacular in other phases of life.
McAlliser said a leader gets praise when things are going well, but good leadership qualities include, “Getting up in the morning and doing it again even if things are not going well.”
He then called on athletes in the room to have passion.
“If you don’t have passion for the game, who and what are you playing for?”
He encouraged planning for each day for yourself to, “Know what you have accomplished at the end of the day.”
He also encouraged boys and girls club members to surround themselves with good people.
“I want to be around someone who is going to raise me up and challenge me a little bit,” he said.
Deuce said the event Thursday was not about athletes, but about Boys and Girls Club and their need for, “Your money and your time. People quit (supporting causes) because they don’t have pride in what they do.
“If it’s your wife and kids, you’re going to provide. We can accomplish this (adequately fund B & G Club) as a group team.”