Published 12:00 am Monday, February 8, 2016

By Rupert Howell
Panola County District Two Supervisor Vernice Avant has asked supervisors and other Panola County entities to join in assisting the area in becoming a “Promise Zone” by calling Senator Thad Cochran’s office and asking that he support Mississippi Delta Strategic Council Compact’s application for the designation.
A Promise Zone is a federal designation that effectively moves parts of the county and area to the front of the line in obtaining federal assistance aimed at tackling poverty.
Votes from the Delta’s traditionally Democrat stronghold were credited with putting Cochran back into office in the Republican primary after a bitter runoff race with Tea Party backed State Senator Chris McDaniel.
The designation could unlock federal money and staffing for job training, educational programs, property redevelopment and transportation improvement in the designated region according to information provided by Avant.
Mississippi Delta Strategic Council Compact is a not-for-profit organization comprised of a 36 member board with representation from each of the 18 counties.
Ms. Avant serves on the organization’s board of directors. Sykes Sturdivant of Tallahatchie County chairs that organization’s executive committee.
Avant said the designation could boost Panola County’s education system, economic development and juvenile crime prevention.
The application is comprised of 18 Delta counties representing 200,000 people.
Avant’s request is to call Cochran staffers Keith Heard or Daniel Ulmer at 202-224-5054 to tell them you support the compact’s application.