City is gearing up for ‘Polar’ 8/14/2015

Published 12:00 am Friday, August 14, 2015

City is gearing up for ‘Polar’

By John Howell
City officials meeting Thursday directed its CPA to add $8,000 to the Batesville Main Street fiscal 2016 budget to help prepare the town for the November arrival of the Polar Express Train Ride.

Main Street manager Colleen Clark, accompanied by Main Street  directors Glenda Bailey, Peggy Walker and Angela Clanton attended the Thursday morning budget meeting to describe preparation plans and seek the additional funding.

Clark told city officials that the Batesville Main Street Facebook page had received over 6,000 hits in the 24 hours since it posted confirmation of the Polar Express Train Ride coming to Batesville.

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“I’ve had numerous inquiries about ticket sales,” Clark said. “My understanding is that there was a technical glitch … and they hope to have information on their web site next week.”

Iowa Pacific Holdings CEO Ed Ellis told city officials in July, as plans were being finalized for the Iowa Pacific subsidiary Illinois Company Railroad to operate the Grenada Railway following its purchase of the Southaven to Canton route from the North Central Mississippi Regional Rail Authority (NCMRRA), of his rail line’s plans to bring the Polar Express Train Ride to Batesville.
Tentative plans call for trips to the “North Pole” to leave the Batesville Square starting November 20 and continue daily with some exceptions through December 27. Up to four trips daily are expected on peak days.

The Batesville Main Street representatives presented a plan that calls for Christmas trees strategically located at the Public Square entrance and at other locations, street banners, additional lighting and decorations that utilize and supplement the city’s existing inventory of Christmas decorations.

“We’re using what we have; we want to fill in with fresh; this is what we want it to be,” Bailey said: “Simple elegance.”

“When in the world have we had the opportunity to compete with New Orleans, Birmingham, Nashville — I mean, the Polar Express? Thirty-thousand people expected in our town in November and December?”

The Main Street representatives are working with Polar Express marketing representatives to coordinate ideas and themes, Clark said.

“This is not just for one year,” Alderman Eddie Nabors said.

Polar Express Train Ride representatives have indicated a multi-year commitment to the Batesville Square.

Ideas discussed included encouraging owners of residential property near the Square to consider opening bed and breakfasts during the Christmas season, tie-in marketing, seeking sponsors to place a large Christmas tree on Highway 6 in the median at the I-55 intersection with directions for visitors, and utilization of vacant commercial buildings on the Square.

Main Street and city officials also discussed visitor parking. Clark said that attendants would be employed by Polar Express to direct visitors to parking areas and to assist in monitoring vehicles while parked.

City officials continued with a discussion following the departure of the Main Street representatives, including building a fence, additional paving and lighting.

CPA Bill Crawford of Will Polk and Company asked the mayor and aldermen if $8,000 would be added to the 2015 or 2016 budget. City officials directed Crawford to include it in the 2016 presently under construction. It will be available October 1.