SP students can enroll in classes for college credit 6/23/2015
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, June 23, 2015

By Rupert Howell
While recent emphasis may have appeared to be getting lower-tiered achieving students to average or above, or borderline students over the hump, South Panola School District is encouraging eligible high-achieving students to take advantage of Dual Enrollment opportunities for qualified juniors and seniors which allows them to earn college credit while still in high school.
And some students have already taken advantage of Advanced Placement classes that allow a student to earn college credit if they score high enough on an end-of-year assessment following successful completion of those courses.
That assessment, or test, is expensive according to District Curriculum Coordinator Ashley Fonte and that’s why the district has paid for the assessment—to encourage more students to enroll in Advanced Placement classes.
Now the high achieving students will be able to enroll in college level classes at South Panola, earning three college hours per semester with, maybe, up to 12 hours being offered in the upcoming school year.
And those hours will be much less expensive than taking those same courses at Northwest CC or Ole Miss.
Fonte told trustees the two courses sure to be offered this year, college algebra and American History I, will have a tuition cost of $220 and $110 respectively. Those courses would cost you $330 at Northwest or $525 at Ole Miss she said.
The difference in the South Panola cost per class is that a qualified teacher on staff costs less ($110) than a Northwest teacher coming to South Panola to teach ($220).
Fonte told school trustees that limited funds may also be available to assist eligible students with a portion of the Dual Enrollment fee.
District superintendent Tim Wilder said this is “huge” for the district to offer the courses after Fonte revealed that an English Comp I and II teacher may also be available for the upcoming school year.
“I am so excited, y’all,” school board president Sandra Darby exclaimed after Fonte’s presentation.
The district is planning another “push” to inform parents and students of those who will be eligible to take advantage of the money-saving educational opportunities.