Readers’ comments turn egg on face into silver lining
Published 12:00 am Friday, February 27, 2015

Not one to think that everything just happens, I’m a firm believer in things happening for a reason. Who knows for sure—maybe it’s God winking at us sometimes.
In a column last week I attempted an apology/explanation for an earlier error where I assumed a person’s race by stereotyping his name.
That name was Rodney Flowers and he looks a little Scotch/Irish. In a news story last week I had made a big deal about his being the first black high school principal in the district since integration in 1970.
Response to the apology column has been gracious as has Mr. Flowers himself who came in the afternoon of publication and purchased three papers, one for each brother.
But the most apparent consequence of my misjudgment was the overwhelming show of support from staff who have worked with him either at Pope School or SPHS while he served in the interim. Facebook postings included:
Scarlett McCachren Prewitt wrote—”Rodney Flowers is absolutely wonderful and he will be a blessing to the High School! I love him and he was a great principal for Pope School! . . . I’m sure he’s laughing out loud! That’s just him! SPHS you’re very lucky to be blessed with such leadership!”
Jamie Dettor wrote—”I work at Pope and proud to have worked under Mr. Flowers last year. He will be a GREAT asset to South Panola High School as he was to Pope. So glad he is choosing to guide our students through their educational journey! Hope everyone invests and supports him as he is investing in our students!”
Sherry Stevenson said of Flowers—”He was awesome at Pope School! I was hoping they’d keep him there, but I know he will be wonderful for SP.”
Joan Bright wrote— “He is a fine man and I look forward to having him as principal at the high school next year.”
Joann Meacham Davis wrote—”I also teach at Pope and worked under Mr. Flowers last year. He was great for Pope and I know he’ll be great for the high school. He is the best!”
Christy Bogue McCulley—”I worked with Rodney Flowers at Pope School and he is a good southern gentleman and will take this in stride. He has and will continue to be a great asset to the South Panola School District. So proud he chose to come out of retirement for our students and staff to continue his good work. One proud parent and employee of SPSD!”