Harry Sartin Letter to editor – 11/11/2014

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Proper flag etiquette shows appropriate respect for symbol of American freedom

Today is Veterans’ Day. It is set aside to honor the men and women who took time out of their lives to ensure America remained a free country, by serving in the military. The symbol of freedom in America is the American flag. Many men and women have died, suffered and fought hard so others could live in freedom. One way to honor our Veterans is to display our flag in a customary way.

Although there is not a law stating how the American flag should be displayed, there is a customary guideline known as flag etiquette. If displaying the American flag from a stage, home or building, it should be seen by the audience to their left.

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In case of a huge building such as a factory, it would be seen to the left of the main entrance. When displaying state flags or banners on the same pole, they should be below the American flag. If using three poles in center of a building’s entrance, the American flag pole should be in the center and forward of state flags and banners.

I have seen several flags in our town being displayed in a non customary way. I was amazed to find our courthouse flying the flag to the right of the Court Street entrance. I thought the flag was being displayed by the old ice house building next door.

Another surprise is our public library is not displaying the American flag in a proper manner. I have brought the matter to their attention. That is all I can do.

It does look like they could honor all the men and women who fought and died for our freedom by displaying the American flag in the proper manner.

The next time you look toward the old Post Office on the Square (currently the Baglan Law Office) you will see the American flag displayed in a proper manner on a single pole to the left of the building as seen by the audience.

The local Regions bank is displaying the proper three poll configuration.

In the past I have scorned the same bank for flying a torn flag. They were apologetic and corrected the issue. If you see our flag displayed in the wrong manner or in need of repair, please inform the person in charge. This flag means a lot to a Vet and the families who lost loved ones serving our country.

My comments are open to other comments and opinions.

Freedom is not free—thank a Vet.
Harry Sartin