Board approves variance for McD 9/9/2014
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, September 9, 2014
By John Howell
Batesville aldermen granted McDonald’s a construction variance that will allow use of aluminum exterior material on its planned new restaurant on Highway 6 at Highway 51.
The material complies with the franchise’s standard corporate branding elements, Batesville Code Administrator Pam Comer said.
The variance request came with the recommendation of the Batesville Planning Commission for approval. “The Planning Commission recommended it for approval pending the giant pole sign being taken down,” Comer said.
“In place of that they’re going to be able to put a sign on their Highway 6 frontage and their Highway 51 frontage, maximum of 30 feet, five inches,” Comer said.
Andy Batalli representing Stantec Consulting Services, Inc. attended the public hearing for McDonald’s. The request was approved 4-0 with Aldermen Stan Harrison, Ted Stewart, Bill Dugger and Eddie Nabors voting to approve the variance. Alderman Teddy Morrow had exited the meeting prior to the public hearings.
Following other public hearings during the Sept. 2 meeting, aldermen approved a setback variance requested by Betty Jane Mathews and a sign variance for the Kroger Fuel Center.
Following a public hearing about sign variance requests from Red Med Urgent Clinic, aldermen approved a lighted message board sign near Highway 51 at Watt Street but tabled a request for another sign pending a new application by the clinic for a total of four signs. A hearing for the new request will be held October 7.
The final action taken after completion of the public hearings was the adoption of the 2012 National Fire Protection Association Fire Code for the city.
During Tuesday meeting, Comer also requested city officials to set a public hearing for a conditional use permit for TNT Fireworks and set a cleanup hearing date for overgrown property at 246 Pollard Street.