SO explains updated list of vehicles 9/2/2014

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, September 2, 2014

SO explains updated list of vehicles

By Rupert Howell

A story published last month stating that the Panola County Sheriff’s Department was operating 80 vehicles was incorrect according to Chief Deputy Chris Franklin who provided corrected numbers.

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The “80” number was being thrown around during the heat of a budget meeting when Panola supervisors were attempting to find ways to cut the upcoming fiscal  year’s budget.

The Chief Deputy’s figures indicate a total of 69 vehicles with 13 of those drug seized or purchased with forfeited money; five were donated; one van was purchased from another state agency for $1; two are trailers; three are used at Panola’s two courthouses and one is a command center purchased with Homeland Security funds.

Supervisors are working with the Sheriff’s Department toward having a fleet of like  vehicles obtained through a lease/purchase program that would allow the county to pay a fixed amount each year while turning the vehicles over prior to high mileage and excessive wear to alleviate high maintenance and repair costs.

The  Sheriff’s Department currently has six SUVs that will be sold and replaced after approximately 24 months of service.

The county has had success resale-wise with Road and Solid Waste Department trucks using lease purchase agreements and taking bids on multiple used vehicles while their value is still high.