John Howell Sr. editorial 5/6/2014
Published 12:00 am Monday, May 5, 2014

Several weeks ago a truck driver who was delivering freight to our dock asked us, “Who’s the Springfest headliner this year?”
Before our brief conversation ended, we learned that he was from Grenada and that he and his wife, both of whom make a regular circuit to area music festivals, never miss Batesville’s Springfest. Ours is among the best, he told us.
“They always have a good headliner and build a good show around it.”
And it’s always good to have your gut feelings substantiated with an unsolicited testimonial.
Springfest weekend, May 16 and 17, is right around the corner with music, talent, food and more, including the annual running of Racing for Paws 5K.
This is everybody’s run, a community and family event that allows serious racers to match themselves against their own precisely-measured times and against other racers. It also allow us casual runners and walkers participate and enjoy ourselves.
Racing for Paws is a good place to start a shift from a sedentary lifestyle to a healthier, more active pace, simply by walking.
There have been many studies on health and well-being that cite the benefits of a regular walking regimen — not far, not fast, just brisk and regular — and this year’s Racing for Paws is a fine place to start.
There’s something in our bodies that lies to us. The more stationary we are, the more we feel too tired at the end of the day to engage in simple exercises, making us even more stationary. Believe that lie long enough and it becomes deadly.
Thwart the lie by putting one foot in front of the other, walking. A sense of well-being and better sleep are among immediate benefits. The list of long-term benefits is almost endless.
Race day is a great place to take the first step. Register at