Como funding sources

Published 12:00 am Friday, March 14, 2014

Como seeks funding sources

By Rupert Howell

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Representatives of two entities trying to make improvements in the City of Como appeared Tuesday before Como’s board of mayor and aldermen at their regularly scheduled monthly meeting at the town’s library.

North Delta Planning and Development District planning coordinator Jeff Walters and Como Main Street Alliance representative Karen Ott-Mayer offered direction for upgrades in different areas of town.

Walters sought and received permission to apply for grants to upgrade the town’s sewer system. Mayer discussed tax abatements for building renovations that could lead to meaningful savings for building owners attempting to upgrade or maintain some of the town’s older structures.

Walters suggested that a grant application on sewer repair would be the best option to get a high rating, explaining that Mississippi counties and towns compete for funding. That money comes through the Miss. Development Authority where small governments can get up to $450,000 in grants without having to match with local money.

He explained that the town of Como applied for and received a similar Community Development Block Grant in 2005, but the grant wasn’t closed until 2009 which blemishes new applications.

He said the grants were rated in nine categories, two of which pertain to the blemished grant that took so long to finalize, but stated the town is slowly working its way toward a higher rating.

Not quite joking, Mayor Everette Hill advised those in hearing distance to keep the CBDG application in their prayers.

Mayer reported on the Main Street Alliance’s recent activities including a Main Street managers meeting a Pontotoc where she learned of developments in Water Valley and Baldwyn. Older buildings there were/are being successfully renovated with the aid of tax abatements. She noted earlier in her presentation that the Alliance is working with John Varadi and the state to find possible tax credits for his Main Street renovations.

Police Chief Earl Burdette reported that new lights have been added to the north end of Main Street that are, “Supposed to light it up like a ball field.”

Burdette explained that car break-ins on Main Street were occurring at the previously unlit portion. 

He also noted that new police radios would be supplied in the next two weeks.

Fire Chief Andy Perkins was present but exited before department reports to the call of duty when the fire siren blared the call to volunteers.

The board approved $50,691 in expenditures before adjourning.