Rupert Howell editorial 11/15/2013
Published 12:00 am Friday, November 15, 2013

This week the Philippines caught the wrath of Typhoon Haiyan, called the worst storm ever.
This newspaper doesn’t usually expound upon international events, however, there are several factors about this devastating storm that bring the incident close to home.
One of those factors is Hurricane Katrina. In 2005 it was declared the worst storm to ever hit the United States.
Although the serious damage was south of Panola County, many of our citizens, churches, utility workers, first responders and other volunteers saw the devastation first hand and worked tirelessly to assist those in need for weeks and months afterward.
The saying, ”You can’t imagine the damage unless you’ve been there,” wrings hollow to those folk who returned to Panola County with a different perspective on life after seeing the utter destruction of that storm.
Other Panolians lost family, friends and acquaintances in that deadly and destructive episode.
Then there’s Josh Boren and his wife Autumn, both missionaries currently located in the Philippines.
“It’s a long stretch of islands,” Josh’s father Randy explains, and they were not affected, he assured, after just recently seeing his son on Skype for the first time since an earthquake hit the area last month.
Then there is Brother Tim Ellis who pastors Bethany Baptist Church.
He spends a week or 10 days every other year in the Cebu area of the Philippines and this would be his week to be there except it is his “off” year.
He explains that his contacts have confirmed that aid is slow getting to those in need but said through the mission board connections, donations can be “wired” to people in need.
He states it best on his Web site, which says, “We will be taking special offerings all this month to help those devastated by the super typhoon.
“We are privileged to help support a veteran missionary in Cebu, Philippines who is a Philippine national. All money taken will quickly go directly to them and they will distribute it wherever it is needed most.
“This is a good way you can be sure every penny goes directly to those who need it! Any help you can give will be greatly appreciated.
“Even if you can’t help, please share this post and don’t forget to pray for the Philippines.”
Those who wish to donate or have questions can contact Ellis at 934-6155 or