NP Election editorial 11/1/13
Published 12:00 am Friday, November 1, 2013
There is a very important election coming up next Tuesday for Panola County, and over half the county’s electorate won’t be eligible to participate on their ballots. It is the election of a new board for North Panola School District.
This election is the next step for that district to come from under its second takeover, or conservatorship, by state authorities.
If you live elsewhere in Panola County and have no concerns about what happens in the north part of the county, you should.
Another state takeover would lead to that district being dissolved with those schools being blended into another district(s) and possibly a permanent end to “local control.”
But Conservator Robert King, who has proven that, run properly, North Panola District can be successful, said the issue at hand is doing what’s best for children rather than what’s best for adults.
He also said the most important decision of the new board will come when that board selects a superintendent.
For too long, many decisions in that district centered around cronyism and petty politics. And many decisions have been made to benefit adults, rather than the district’s children.
A school trustee board’s function is to make policy, approve a budget and most importantly hire a superintendent. From there the board is tasked with approving or disapproving the superintendent’s recommendations whether they concern hiring administrators, teachers, bus drivers and janitors or agreeing on budget figures.
It’s also about letting professionals do their jobs.
Candidates for the North Panola School Trustee Board need careful review in the coming election. They will also need the community’s support once in office along with a watchful eye to ensure that children are being put first.
Self governance may be at stake for that district in coming months and years.
Surely the candidates are ready for the task at hand.