Letter to Editor – Robert Freeman

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Proposed gravel pit/asphalt plant puts undue burden on Como

After two land commission meetings, it seems, from what I’ve read and have learned at the meetings, that the only parties who will benefit from a gravel pit/asphalt plant in Como are Nolan West and APAC.

There must be gravel on other parcels, but of course being close to the interstate is what makes the Como land so attractive. APAC must be drooling. Personally, I couldn’t care less about increasing the financial gain of APAC.

What are the reasons the variance should not be granted? They are numerous:

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1. It will create excessive traffic at the interstate, as well as on the highway into Como.

2. The stench of asphalt will fill the air in Como any time the wind blows from the east. That’s not very appealing for people who want to have special events at local venues.

3. No barrier, whether trees or a berm, will prevent dust from filtering to the interstate and into town.

4. All of the above reasons will be detrimental to the businesses in Como.

5.  It will cost the state megabucks to build a turn lane and repair roads to accommodate the 200 trucks a day that will enter and exit Hwy. 310.

6. It will be a nuisance to neighboring landowners who do not want this facility and whose wishes will be ignored to accommodate one person.

7. There is no way to know what the negative environmental impact may be.

8. I have become privy to a letter written by another citizen that I will quote with permission because it states a very compelling reason better than I can:

“This facility will negatively affect all residents and visitors of Como, but who will suffer most — members of Cistern Hill M. B. Church will. This is an African American congregation whose ancestors were, for decades, mistreated and ill-used to provide for the advancement of those who already had more than they did.

“How shameful that when we have come so far and have hopefully gained a compassionate conscience, we should take a giant step backwards! These same people will now be ill-used again to advance one landowner.”

I submit that if the commission approves the variance to permit this facility, it will be a decision generated by a relationship the individual commissioners have with Mr. West, whether it’s a business relationship or a social relationship.

The commissioners are in place to protect the land and the interests of all the residents of Panola County. If they are people of character and integrity, and I think they are, this will be their goal instead of trying to promote the gain of one person, no matter how good a friend he may be.

P. S. Commissioner Jones, as quoted in the newspaper article, stated, “I think this is the closest thing to the perfect site for a gravel pit we’ve looked at in the last 12 years.”

Perfect for him or perfect for the most people? It’s obviously perfect because it’s not in his backyard and he doesn’t care about the people it will negatively affect.

The next vote will determine how many commissioners are like-minded.

Robert Freeman

Editor’s Note: That vote was scheduled to take place last night as the Panola County Land Commission met. The meeting was held after The Panolian went to press.