Announcement pending for airport industrial park 7/2/13
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Announcement pending for airport industrial park
Sonny Simmons
Panola Partnership
For the past few years we have been very fortunate to have achieved so much growth in the way of new businesses and industries locating, expanding and creating new investments and new job opportunities for our citizens.
It was just over two years ago that we decided to move forward and invest in putting the needed infrastructure in place to support the new Airport Industrial Park. Do you remember the letters to the editor about the “Road to Nowhere?”
Well, the road to nowhere is now a road leading to the new location of the Cube Ice Co. And now the road will soon lead to another new company location.
For the past three months we have been working very hard on a new project trying to convince an out of state company to locate a new facility in Panola County. At this time I cannot disclose the name of the company or the specifics of the project, but as of this week we have received a letter of commitment from the company to purchase land and to build a new facility and create additional jobs for our citizens.
For a county just to have industrial property is not good enough in today’s market. You must have a fully served industrial site that is ready for immediate construction. That was the vision the Panola Partnership Board of Directors had when the decision was made to invest the necessary dollars to provide all the infrastructure for the park and it is now paying off in a big way.
Recently, additional interest has been shown by other prospects on this property and it is just a matter of time before we will be announcing other new locations. The opportunities for growth in Panola County are endless, but we must keep focused, continue to work hard, invest wisely and have the vision to see what is needed in advance.
Then we also must be willing to take the needed action and to make the necessary investments that will lead to sustained growth and development. If we do this, we will be successful and we will see Panola County develop into a premiere county within our state, a county we can all be proud to call home.