Como tourism dollars in jeopardy 6/18/13
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, June 18, 2013
By John Howell
Como faces a loss of its tourism tax collections on July 1 unless it can be reauthorized in a special session of the Mississippi legislature this month.
Como town officials and citizens discussed the potential loss of revenue during the monthly meeting of the mayor and aldermen Tuesday night. Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant has been under pressure to call the legislature into special session to reauthorize funding of Medicaid, which also faces a July 1 deadline, but the governor has not yet acted.
Como officials said Tuesday night that if reauthorization of the local and private bill could be included in the special session, collection of the two percent tax on the sale of prepared food and beverage in restaurants and lodging could continue after July 1. If not, the town will have to wait until the 2014 session of the legislature for reauthorization.
Como voters approved the tax in a special election in October 2010, after a bill sponsored by Representative Joe Gardner started the process. Ninety percent of the voters participating in the special election favored the tax.
The bill provided for “sunset” after three years unless it was reauthorized by the legislature.
Gardner died in February during the 2013 legislative session, and the approaching deadline initially went unnoticed. By the time Lataisha Jackson was elected as Gardner’s successor and took office, the deadline for introducing legislature had passed.