Published 12:00 am Friday, May 10, 2013
No more saggy pants in Sardis as that town’s board of alderman passed an ordinance similar to the city of Batesville and Panola County at the May meeting held Wednesday.
The new law was created to help keep the younger generation from wearing shorts or pants so low that it exposes their backsides or underclothing.
Alderman Lula Palmer, who faces a runoff with fellow Democrat Billy Russell asked chief of police John Deal, “And we are going to enforce it?”
“Oh, yes ma’am,” Deal responded. “We are going to enforce it,” Deal emphasized.
Palmer made the motion with Alderman Clarence Jones making the second. It passed unanimously with three votes with alderman-at-large Roy Scallorn presiding in absence of the mayor.
Convenience store owners including the Adieh family approached the board concerning hours set for legally selling beer.
Suzy Adieh explained that for as long as 17 years all stores thought legal hours except for Sunday were 7 a.m. through 10 p.m. Stores have been recently ticketed for selling before 10 a.m. and Chief Deal had a copy of an ordinance that stated 10 a.m. as the time to begin.
After a discussion, aldermen and the city’s attorney Tommy Shuler agreed that a misprint had occurred in the ordinance and told store owners that it would be corrected to read 7 a.m.
Another request to lengthen the time of legal purchase to 12 midnight was taken under advisement with acting mayor Scallorn telling them that he thought the new mayor and board should be in on that decision.
Mike Adieh pleaded with the board to consider the economic impact telling them that one of the family’s stores near the Panola-Tate County line had dropped from as much as $6-$7,000 to as little as $800 a day following the legalization of alcohol in Senatobia. He also mentioned that the town of Como had immediately adjusted their hours to match those of Senatobia.