Danny McGregory letter

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Letter to the Editor

Godless government portends bleak future

We the people of the United States need to pay attention to who we vote for in the upcoming election.
To tell the truth, we need to vote all the crooks out of office and put a poor Baptist preacher in as president.

The United States was founded on “In God We Trust,” but it seems as our government doesn’t even know who God is.

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Mr. Benjamin Franklin knew God. When writing the Constitution Mr. Franklin said that he was going to pray and ask God for his help.

The people we have in office now are just after what they can put in their pockets. They vote on new laws and change old laws that someone is paying them to vote for.

That is like our government said that it is unconstitutional to mandate voter ID. Everyone already has an ID. If you drive you have to have a driver’s license. To cash a check you have to have an ID. To get a job you have to have an ID. In school you have to have an ID.

So where does our government get off saying that Obamacare is mandated? I think the people should have the right to vote whether or not we want the stinking Obamacare.

If we let our government keep going the way it’s going, we the United States will be like Russia, Iran, or Korea where the government runs everything and the people have no say-so.

I hate to see how the United States turns out to be when our children grow up. Or even our grandchildren.

We need to put God back into our country.
Danny “Peanut” McGregory